Monday 16 January 2012

Tips Mencari Paket Tour Murah

Berencana berlibur ke luar negeri bersama keluarga, tapi takut untuk mengeluarkan biaya yang sangat besar. Itu semua bisa diatasi bila menggunakan paket tour murah untuk ke luar negeri. Saat ini banyak tempat penyedia informasi mengenai paket tour murah ke luar negeri. Dibawah ini beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan bila ingin mencari paket tour murah ke luar negeri.

1. Anggaran Tour
Sebaiknya Anda menentukan jumlah uang yang dianggarkan untuk berlibur nanti sebelum memilih paket perjalanan. Kemudian bagi anggaran tersebut menjadi dua, yaitu untuk dipakai biaya tour maupun uang saku selama dalam perjalanan. Dalam menggunakan uang saku itu, Anda harus bisa disiplin dalam menggunakannya. Sangat dianjurkan sekali untuk melakukan penukaran uang asing sebelum keberangkatan.

2. Menentukan Tour
Pada zaman seperti sekarang ini, sangat mudah untuk mencari lalu membandingkan harga tour yang satu dengan harga tour lainnya. Tapi ada satu kendala; Jangan pernah langsung menelan mentah-mentah harga yang tercantum di daftar harga. Pastikan terlebih dahulu apakah harga tersebut sudah termasuk tiket pesawat, biaya mengunjungi semua tempat wisata, biaya makan, pajak bandara (airport tax), jenis maskapai penerbangan yang digunakan dan jenis penginapan pada saat tour. Denga memperhatikan hal tersebut, maka Anda akan dapat membandingkan harga dengan paket tour lainnya.

3. Pemesanan Paket Tour
Pemesanan paket tour dapat dilakukan jauh hari sebelumnya. Semakin jauh jadwal pemesanan Anda, maka Anda akan memperoleh harga yang jauh lebih murah dikarenakan biaya pemesanan tiket jauh hari sebelum keberangkatan akan jauh lebih murah, begitu juga dengan biaya akomodasi dan hotel.
Anda juga perlu mengetahui bahwa dalam tour ada periode yang bernama High Season, yaitu waktu yang mendekati hari libur panjang, dimana akan banyak orang yang berlibur dan bepergian ke berbagai tempat liburan. Itulah yang menyebabkan harga paket tour menjadi sangat tinggi.

4. Jumlah Peserta
Bila ingin menekan biaya dalam perjalanan, berangkatlah dengan jumlah orang yang banyak. Makin banyak orang yang berangkat maka akan makin mudah dalam memperoleh paket tour murah ke luar negeri. Dengan itu pula maka biaya sewa bus, pemandu tour, dan hotel akan jauh lebih murah.

5. Tempat Belanja
Dalam memilih tempat berbelanja, pastikan Anda menanyakan terlebih dahulu kepada Tour Guide, tempat belanja mana yang sekiranya layak untuk dikunjungi atau tidak. Pastikan juga untuk menanyakan harga tiap-tiap barangnya, karena bias jadi harga barang di tempat yang satu lebih murah atau mahal disbandingkan dengan tempat lainnya.

6. Komunikasi
Bila ingin berkomunikasi ke Indonesia baik lewat SMS ataupun Telepon, hindari memakai SIM Card Indonesia, karena biaya komunikasi dari luar negeri ke Indonesia akan menghabiskan banyak pulsa. Sebagai solusinya, Anda bisa mencari informasi mengenai operator lokal Negara setempat yang memiliki fasilitas telepon murah ke dalam maupun luar negeri untuk berkomunikasi. Lebih mudah lagi bila Anda menggunakan smart phone, karena bisa menggunakan fasilitas Wi-Fi bila berada di area yang menyediakan internet gratis, untuk berkomunikasi.

Itulah beberapa tips tour murah ke luar negeri. Dengan tips tersebut, semoga Anda tidak takut kehilangan banyak uang lagi bila berencana tour ke luar negeri. Pastikan semua tips di atas dapat Anda aplikasikan pada saat berlibur ke luar negeri. Selamat berlibur bagi Anda dan keluarga yang ingin meluangkan waktunya di luar negeri. 

Sunday 15 January 2012

How to Get Hotel Deals Easily

If you're headed on a vacation this spring or summer, chances are you're going to pay more for a hotel than ever before. But just because a hotel asks for a certain rate doesn't mean you have to pay it. You can negotiate your way to get a better hotel deal.
Here’s how to get best hotel deal in location you want to visit.

Go to the source. Don't bother dealing with the hotel's toll-free reservations line -- negotiate directly with the hotel instead.

Don't settle for the first rate you're offered. Hotels have dozens of rates for their rooms, and they usually quote from the top (referred to as the 'rack rate') down. So inquire about corporate or other promotional rates and let the hotel know if the price you've been given is still too high.

Trade up. If the hotel still doesn't budge, negotiate for other extras, such as a suite for the regular room rate or a room on the concierge floor. Many hotel staff members are being trained to not let customers get away because of price.

Speak to the manager. He may cave and give you a lower rate rather than let the room go empty.

Talk money during the reservation process. That's when you have the most leverage and room to negotiate. But if you're checking in, you can still try to score a lower rate or an upgrade. Don't be shy.

Check hotel calendars A growing number of hotel Web sites are using booking systems with long-term day- by-day room rates. 

Pick up the phone Call the hotel directly (not the central toll-free number). Often, properties offer last-minute specials that they don’t submit through reservations. Plus, agents are typically not authorized to negotiate (as we did, in the test case at right). Since hotels often allot only a certain number of rooms to the booking service, you may be told that it’s sold out, which is not always the case. Finally, if you’re seeking a top-notch hotel experience, phone a travel agent. 

Book your room via the Web Many hotels offer discounts for commission-free online transactions.

     Those are some good tips for you to get best hotel deal. Make sure you do those tips, and beware of hidden costs. Taxes, surcharges, resort fees and "incidental" fees tacked on to your bill are common and rarely mentioned until you check out, so be sure to ask if there are any extras charges on the agreed room rate. If they are tacked on without your prior approval, refuse to pay them. Hope you could get the best hotel deals on hotel you’ll stay for.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Best Diving Sites in Bali

Bali is being one of main destination of local and world divers to do diving in Bali. There are some beautiful site to dive. Those sites offer great diversity such as vertical walls and sand slopes, shipwrecks, limestone shorelines and black, volcanic outcrops, peaceful bays and ripping currents, coral-covered ridges, with both shore- and boat-diving.
Diving safaris are becoming the package of choice for those who want to see more of underwater Bali. These are basically hotel/diving and transport packages. Because you're staying near the dive sites, you can do earlier and later dives and avoid the day-tripping crowds from the tourist areas that pack out popular sites.
Here are the recommendation sites for you to dive in Bali :

     1.       USS Liberty ShipWreck
Liberty ShipWreck is one of the most popular diving sites in Bali. USS Liberty has sunk on January 11, 1942 this ship was hit by torpedoes from a Japanese submarine while crossing Lombok strait. The wreck is lying 6 meters from the beach until 35 meters. Divers simply walk out from the beach, spit in their masks, and go It is provided an accessible and interesting underwater attraction for both diver and snorkeled.

      2.       Menjangan Island
This sites is the other nicest place in Bali for snorkeling and diving. You have to go there with a park ranger. There are 2 parts of the island for snorkeling. One part is for the fish and another part is for the live corals. Very pretty. Water is quite clear. You can see sea cucumbers, clown fish, starfish, sea urchins, etc.

      3.       Padang Bay
Bias Tugal, Temple, Blue Lagoon and Jepun are nice places for diving. Healthy coral and lots of fish. Bias Tugal and Jepun are also nice for snorkeling. Like everywhere in Indonesia, the current can sometimes be tricky, but the local divecenters in Candi Dasa and Padang Bai are familiar with the area for diving and snorkeling.

4.       Amed
This diving area located East Coast of island, shore dive, good underwater panorama with with colorful tropical fish, coral and gorgonians. You can enjoy all of attraction from 6 meters deep up to 40 meters. Calm water, black sand and some time a good visibility make your journey more enjoyable. Access by outrigger boat or swim from the shore.

      5.       Gili Tepekong
This big volcanic hump rises out of the water not far from the Candi Dasa shore on the south-east coast. Underwater, the area is covered with Medusa-like heads that vary in size from huge boulders to small sea gardens. They are adorned with blood-red sea fans, tunicates and sponges. In some spots, the competition for space amid the corals is incredible. Other sites include Gili Mimpang and Gili Biaha. Currents are common in this area, but that means pelagic life like big tuna, jacks, sharks and even mola mola come in here.

Surfing in Bali

Bali as we know has many beaches which will be main destination for tourists. We can swim, sunbathing,   play volley ball, etc.  But there is one thing Bali is known for, it surfing. Some world surfers, even pro and novice come to Bali just for riding the seemingly endless waves on the beaches of Bali. Because in Bali, there are some cool beaches that is fit for their hobby.   The dry season is the peak surfing season and it typically runs from May through to September, this is when the famous waves of Uluwatu, Padang Padang and Kuta break at their best. Here are the best beaches for surfing in Bali.

      1.       Kuta Beach
Most surfers said that Kuta Beach is the best place for surfing in BaliKuta beach has a great quality surfing waves, especially for beginners. As it is located in the heart of city, Kuta beach is easily accessible. We can walk out of our hotel and onto the beach to get there. Best swell direction in this beach is on southern. The best size wave at Kuta beach is about 4-5 ft. That’s the optimum size on the mid to high tide.  Though huge crowds and a considerable level of pollution loom large, Kuta is still the numero uno choice for surfers and vacationers alike. So much so that, even if one is putting up in another area of Bali, not making a trip to Kuta would be a bad miss.

      2.       Padang-Padang Beach
With not too many people for distraction, you can camp at Padang-Padang to hone in on your surfing skills in peace. Padang-Padang beach is easily accessible by car from the airport, it takes about half hour to get Padang Padang beach.  The Bukit Peninsula surf camp has all the elements for a surfing beginner’s learning paradise. We can go to the southern for getting the best swell.  If we are in lucky day, we can find 5-8 ft of wave sizes, and sure, that will be more challenging. 

      3.       Uluwatu Beach
Nestled in the beautiful scenic village of Pecatu near Kuta, Uluwatu’s captivating coral reef beach with its big waves is really a fantasy come true for any surfer. The swell of the Uluwatu surf is often described as hollow and fast. There are 4 different sections at Ulu; there’s Temples which is a long and hollow wave that works on the mid to high tide. The Peak right in front of the warungs in line with the cave also best on the high tide. Racetrack is a super fast but makeable barrel that works on the low tide, but gets seriously shallow. Outside corner is considered by many to be one of the best waves anywhere in the world, the corner won’t even start to break unless the swell is at least in the 8 range, and then if your game you are in for one long and fast ride.

Those 3 beaches are good beaches to be surfed in dry season, and accidentally those beaches are the best beach to surf in Bali. In wet season you can go to Sanur beach, Nusa Dua beach, Serangan beach,etc. 

Adventure in Bali

Holiday in Bali is not only going to the beach, sunbathing, shopping,etc. But you can also doing some adventures in Bali. You will get many experiences if you are doing adventures in Bali. There are many adventures you can choose in Bali, such  as water adventure, land adventure, or air adventure.

Water Adventure
In Bali you can join in some water adventures like Rafting, Sea Cruise, Water Sport, and Sea walking.

     1.       Rafting
River in Bali, other than as a source of irrigation rice field, is also a good place to tour Rafting In Bali or better known as rafting. Natural rivers are still having with the current challenges create or rafting white water Rafting In Bali became one of the favorite choice of tourists who were vacationing in Bali. There are two rivers that become a major place of adventure activities, among others: Ayung River located in the Village Evening, Sangeh, Badung with two levels of difficulty levels, as well as Telagawaja River in the village of Karangasem Muncan to severity level 3-4. For the first time this adventure activities, Ayung river is a good place to try. While for the more adventurous who want to feel powerful again, Telagawaja River is the right choice.

      2.       Sea Cruise
If your hobby is adventuring above the sea, you can try cruise a Sea in Bali. For some tourists, their favourite place to cruise is Nusa Lembongan. Transfer to Benoa harbour where you will board on sailling cruise for a full day sailing adventure to nearby off-shore Island of Nusa Lembongan. Spend the morning passing colorful Indonesian's perahu - traditional boat while the crew troll for fresh fish.

      3.       Water Sport
Bali is not only known for the culture and the beauty of the nature, but also offering interesting various acivities or games you must try.
Tanjung Benoa for example, it’s offering various games such as Jet ski, Speed boat, parasailing, flying fish, banana boat, snorkeling  and scuba diving.

      4.       Sea walking
Have you imagine underwater experience without letting your head and face get wet, walk along the sea floor together with family, friends and be a witness all kind of the sea life. Well that experience is Seawalker.
Safety is the most priority, Seawalker pay full attention to the clients safety and liability so there are no serious accidents or dangerous condition in this underwater experience it is also to prove and support that as a world destination Bali is a beautiful island in Indonesia, which has been famous for its wonderful sea bottom.

Land Adventure
Enjoy your times in Bali by horse riding, mountain cycling, elephant safari, ATV and Buggy Driving.
1.       Horse Riding
Horse riding is not a strange activities anymore in Indonesia.Almost attractions in Indonesia offering horse riding. Right now horse riding is offered in Bali also, but it is treated professionally such as facility, quality, and the activity.

2.       Mountain Cycling
Bali Cycling Adventure is an exciting adventure by paddling the mountain bicycle descends the hilly land, turning to enter the Balinese rural and see natural atmosphere of the village with the social society life, friendly and full of religious. The smile and the friendliness from villagers and the charming children will always greet you in this adventure. The experiences to see the Bali Beauty Mountain or the beautiful village which have a lot of captivating heart to experience this adventure. You will earn the full services with air-conditioning car transfer, delicious lunch, safety equipments, proffesional cycling guide and comfortable using of mountain bike that will complete your experience.

3.       Elephant Safari
Experience of sitting high a top an elephant in a teak wood chair, through the cool jungle of Taro, is an experience you'll never forget. 

4.       ATV Driving
ATV is a motor cycle which has four wheels. It is usually used by the people for agriculture or recreation. Its wheel is specially modified with high tire. So, it just used at unfamiliar route only. It has 250 cc and 350 cc power of engine. Easy driving , at wet condition or some obstacles of up and down hill road.

Air Adventure
The last type of adventure you have to try is various air adventures. You can see the beuaty of Bali from the air by air baloon and you can try paragliding. 

Monday 9 January 2012

Tips Berlibur ke Bali

Bali merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang sangat populer di seluruh dunia. Pulau Bali sendiri kaya akan pemandangan indah, kesucian gunung berapi, hutan tropis, persawahan yang berpetak-petak dan tentu saja pesona keindahan pantainya yang ada hampir disemua pesisir pulau Bali. Bali selalu diramaikan dengan berbagai aktivitas wisata di siang hari antara lain aktivitas olahraga air, bermain golf, treeking atau hiking sampai dengan kegiatan tour atau wisata jalan-jalan mengunjungi objek-objek wisata yang ada diseluruh pelosok pulau Bali. Kemudian, setelah matahari terbenam Bali berubah menjadi pulau ultra-modern dimana kerlap-kerlip lampu bar, diskotik dan nightspot lainnya memecah kesunyian malam di pulau ini. Pulau Bali juga selalu dipuja karena keunikan budayanya khususnya karya seni dan arsitekture Bali yang begitu indah. Misalnya keberadaan ribuan Pura sebagai tempat suci umat Hindu di Bali, dengan bentuk bangunan dan ukiran yang cukup mempesona. Hal inilah yang menjadikan Bali terkenal dengan sebutan pulau seribu Pura.

Bali merupakan tempat liburan yang paling cocok untuk anda. Tersedia berbagai pilihan hotel murah, villa, penginapan murah dan sarana akomodasi lainnya yang dapat anda pilih sesuai budget dan keinginan anda. Mulai dari hotel berbintang yang berkelas internasional, hotel melati, villa, cottage, resort sampai dengan losmen dengan tarif sewa yang cukup murah. 
Bali bisa sangat ramai pada bulan-bulan liburan yaitu pada bulan Juli – Agustus, dan pada liburan Natal maupun Tahun Baru. Wisatawan-wisatawan asal Australia biasanya mengunjungi Bali pada musim liburan sekolah pada awal April, akhir Juni dan akhir September. Sementara wisatawan domestik biasa berkunjung selama liburan nasional. Di luar musim puncak tersebut, Pulau Bali bisa sangat tenang dan sepi dari ramainya wisatawan, tapi kadang ada beberapa hotel dan penginapan yang mengadakan diskon di luar musim puncak.

Bagi wisatawan yang ingin berlibur ke Bali dalam waktu yang cukup lama, pilihan yang tepat untuk mencari tempat menginap adalah hotel murah. Dengan menginap di hotel murah, pengeluaran yang dikeluarkan oleh wisatawan Bali menjadi tidak terlalu besar. Apalagi bila gaya perjalanan wisatawan adalah sebagai Backpacker, menginap di hotel murah adalah pilihan yang tepat, mengingat mereka harus menekan biaya pengeluaran selama berada di Bali. Banyak sekali hotel-hotel murah di Bali yang biaya menginap semalamnya sekitar 100.000-600.000 / malam.

Secara umum lokasi hotel di Bali biasanya di bagi berdasarkan area wisata yang ada seperti hotel di area Kuta, hotel di Legian, Hotel di Seminyak, Hotel di Jimbaran, Hotel di Nusa Dua, Sanur, Ubud dan juga hotel di Lovina. Bagi wisatawan yang ingin mencari hotel murah di Bali, diharapkan untuk bisa memilih hotel murah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pribadi maupun keluarga. 
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